Information for
local authorities

BeGreen develops sustainable solar energy solutions in collaboration with landowners, authorities, municipalities, neighbours and other locally engaged stakeholders.

Information for local authorities

The green transition is the most important challenge of our time and it is required that everyone cooperates in order for us to reach the climate policy goals that Sweden shall have no net emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by 2045 at the latest. In addition, recent geopolitical developments have made it clear that Sweden need to produce more electricity on our own. 

Focus on the green transition

The green transition is the most important challenge of our time and it is required that everyone cooperates in order for us to reach the climate policy goals that Sweden shall have no net emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by 2045 at the latest. In addition, recent geopolitical developments have made it clear that Sweden need to produce more electricity on our own. 

Solar energy strengthens the green profile of the municipalities

Renewable energy lowers CO2 emissions. The municipalities where BeGreen’s solar parks are placed have an opportunity to become CO2-neutral and thereby contribute to the green transition.

Dialogue and consideration

BeGreen always tries to find the best solutions for the local community when realizing a solar park. We strive for a good dialogue with all the stakeholders and we work with various dialogue forums in our processes.

To create a pleasant setting for our solar parks, we plant so-called living fences around the parks. We adapt our planting strategies to local conditions, for example by planting local species of trees, shrubs and plants. This is done after careful analyses of the landscape, protection interests, visual conditions and with consideration for nearby residents.

We also analyse the wildlife on site, and create action plans to increase biodiversity inside and around our parks. We establish wildlife corridors through the parks when necessary.

BeGreen works with solar parks on different scales depending on the location.

Our solar parks deliver green energy to the grid – they don’t make noise and don’t create disturbing reflections. We want to be involved in ensuring that Sweden gets access to more renewable energy.

Sustainable initiatives

Establishing solar parks is beneficial for the climate, biodiversity and for the joy of society as a whole, as the demand for electricity only increases.

Sustainable initiatives

Establishing solar parks is beneficial for the climate, biodiversity and for the joy of society as a whole, as the demand for electricity only increases.

Green profile

BeGreen always tries to find the best solutions for the local community when realizing the solar parks and strives for a good dialogue with interested stakeholders.

Renewable energy lowers CO2 emissions. The municipalities where BeGreen’s solar parks are placed have an opportunity to become CO2-neutral and thereby contribute to the green transition.

We work with solar parks in different scales and with different panel sizes depending on the location of the solar parks. Our solar parks supply green energy to the Swedish electricity grid – they do not make noise and do not create disturbing reflections.


The reason why solar parks are often built on agricultural land is because land areas of sufficient size, proximity to electricity grids, the right conditions regarding topography and more are needed. We can also develop parks on other types of land, for example in forest areas if the right conditions exist.

Solar parks are temporary installations that do not destroy agricultural land and it is possible to combine solar power production with cultivation or grazing. By leasing out a piece of their land to solar parks, landowners can also add an important source of income to their company, which means that solar parks also contribute to strengthening Swedish agriculture financially.

BeGreen’s solar parks contribute to a rich and varied animal life. We plant native plants and trees in and around the parks to ensure insects and bees thrive, helping to increase biodiversity in the area.

We ensure that smaller animals can get under the parks’ fences and we also build wildlife corridors if it seems to be a need for that according to wildlife expertise.

We always carry out careful analyses of the site even before we contact a landowner. We take the cultural and natural environment into account and work actively to ensure that the park has as little impact on nearby residents as possible, including by planting so-called living fences around the solar parks for a more beutiful and living setting.

All electricity production involves some form of impact on the local area, but the advantage of solar parks is that they neither smell nor make noise, apart from during the construction period.

Solar parks are temporary installations and do not require the ground to be hardened, the solar panels are piled into the ground. It is therefore possible to carry out agriculture activities in the solar park both during and after its operating time.

Contact for authorities

If you want more information about BeGreen, you are always welcome to contact us directly.​

Land developer

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