
Foto: Perry Nordeng / HIR Skåne

Meet us at Borgeby Fältdagar

Next week, BeGreen will be at the agricultural fair Borgeby fältdagar in Skåne, Sweden. Nearly 20,000 visitors and over 450 exhibiting companies goes to Borgeby annually. This year’s theme is energy and economy. Don’t hesitate to visit us in stand S188!


23-hectare solar PV plant making the production greener

The beer and fizzy soft drink production is back in full swing at Denmark’s second largest brewery Royal Unibrew. Wanting to reduce its CO2 emissions from the production, Royal Unibrew entered into a collaboration with BeGreen to develop a 23-hectare solar PV plant, equivalent to about 5,000 single-family homes with an average annual consumption of 4,000 kWh.

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